Eureka S.p.A. Unipersonale (from now on "Eurka")aims to ensure the privacy and security of each visitor’s personal data, including that of visitors who access the site from abroad. Not only is this in keeping with the regulations in force on safeguarding privacy, but it is also consistent with the standards laid down in this privacy policy.

Unless otherwise specified, this policy is also to be understood as providing the conditions for the processing of personal data to all those who interact with the services offered by the website, in accordance with article 13 of the Privacy Code.

When necessary, detailed conditions for the processing of personal data can be found on the pages of each service offered. The aim of these conditions is to define the ways and to what extent each service processes data, so that the visitor can then freely decide whether to give his/her consent and authorize the collection and subsequent use of this data.

It should be noted that this privacy policy concerns this website only, and does not refer to any other websites that the user might visit by clicking on links.

3. Type of data processed and the purposes of data processing

The website offers informative content, and at times interactive content as well. While browsing the website, therefore, information on the visitor may be collected in the following ways:

Browsing data

During normal operation, the computer systems and software used to run this website collect some personal data; the transmission of this data is implicit in the use of communication protocols on the Internet.

Examples of the kind of data that fall under this category are as follows: IP addresses; the type of browser being used; the operating system; the domain name and the addresses of websites which were used to log in to or log out of this website; information on the pages that were viewed by the user within the website; login times; the time spent on each page; an analysis of browsing patterns within the website; and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computing environment.

This kind of technical/computer data is collected and used in aggregate form only, and will not be used to identify the user. This data could also be used to determine responsibility in the event that computer crimes have been committed to the detriment of the website.

Data that is voluntarily submitted by the user

This is all the personal data that is freely provided by a visitor to the website. This data, for example, could be provided to sign up and/or log in to a restricted area, to request information on a specific product or service by filling in a form, to write to an e-mail address, or to call a toll-free number (using VoIP technology) in order to contact customer service directly.

In some cases, this information could be used to build a user profile: should that occur, the user will be properly informed beforehand and be asked to give his/her free and specific consent to being the subject of marketing and/or profiling.

4. Ways that data is processed

For the most part, the processing of personal data is carried out through electronic procedures and media (DBs, CRM platforms, etc.), and only for the shortest time necessary to achieve the objectives for which the data has been collected.

5. Redirecting to external websites

The website may use so-called social plugins. Social plugins are special tools that allow a social network to embed its functions directly into the website (for example, Facebook’s “like” button).

All the social plugins that can be found on the website are marked with their respective logo, in order to identify the social network they belong to.

When a user visits a page on this website and interacts with the plugin (for example, by clicking the “like” button), or if a user decides to leave a comment, the browser transmits this information directly to the social networking service (in this case, Facebook), where it is stored.

For information on how and why personal data is collected, processed, used and stored by a social networking service, or for information on how a user can exercise his/her rights in this matter, please refer to the social network’s privacy policy.

6. Links to/from third-party websites

This website includes links to other websites of companies belonging to the Eureka, as well as to third-party websites.

. The owner of this website disclaims all responsibility for any management of personal data by third-party sites and the management of authentication credentials provided by third parties.

7. Rights of data subjects

The individuals whose personal data is processed on this website (the so-called “data subjects”) have the right to know what data the company holds about them, why this data has been collected and how it is processed. They can also have the data extrapolated and made available, and if interested, add new data, or have the existing data updated and corrected. If a law has been broken, they also have to the right to demand that the data be blocked, deleted or transformed into an anonymous form.

In order to exercise these rights, obtain an updated list of data processors (should there be any appointed), report problems or ask for an explanation of how your personal data is being processed, please address your requests to the person in charge of data processing at Eureka. Please specify the subject of your request in the letter, which can be sent to the following address: Eureka S.p.A. Unipersonale – Ufficio Amministrativo - via Via dell' Industria 30/32 -35013 Cittadella (PD) – – ph. +39-049-9481800.

8. Changes to the policy

This policy governs the methods of processing the personal data provided by visitors while browsing the website. It must be noted, however, that user services are constantly being examined and updated, and new industry regulations could come into force at any time. As a result, the methods of processing personal data may need to be modified, with consequent changes to our policy. We therefore invite the visitor to periodically check this page in order to stay up-to-date with any such changes. To that end, this privacy policy includes the date it was last updated.

For any further information do not hesitate to CONTACT US.